
A message from Ranjit S. Baxi on Global Recycling Day 2020

A message from Ranjit S Baxi, Founder and President of Global Recycling Foundation, on Global Recycling Day 2020   Today marks the third annual Global Recycling Day, a day that takes place every 18th March to recognise the contribution recycling industry makes to the long term sustainability of our planet.  Even in times as uncertain as…

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How to be a #RecyclingHero this Holiday Season

The Global Recycling Foundation (the organisation behind Global Recycling Day, which takes place annually on 18th March) is calling on people across the globe to put the planet first this festive season and be a #RecyclingHero when it comes to gift wrapping, decorations and more. It is estimated that both the UK[1] and Australia[2] create…

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Global Recycling Foundation announces ‘Recycling Heroes’ theme for 2020

The Global Recycling Foundation has revealed today that the theme for the third Global Recycling Day, taking place on 18th March 2020, will be ‘Recycling Heroes’. The Global Recycling Foundation wants to recognise people, places and activities that showcase what an important role recycling plays in creating an environmentally stable planet. A worldwide social media…

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The story of Global Recycling Day… so far

18th March 2018 witnessed the first ever Global Recycling Day, starting a movement that asked the world to think ‘resource not waste’ when it comes to recycling. From numerous events taking place across the world, to hundreds of articles supporting the initiative, and millions of people taking part on social media, Global Recycling Day has…

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Waste Masters Africa – an interactive card game to fight waste and promote recycling

Artists, graphical designers, cartoonists and students from African countries are working together on an interactive card game called “Waste Masters Africa”, a project launched by Global Recycling Foundation jointly with Mr. Van Kooten from Dutch Waste Management Association, to raise awareness about the need to stop dumping of waste. The project is supported by the…

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