Friends of the Foundation

You are invited you to become one of the first ever Friends of the Global Recycling Foundation – the charitable arm of Global Recycling Day.

The theme for the 2019 Global Recycling Day is ‘Recycling into the Future’. This focus, amongst other things, on Youth and Innovation – two crucial drivers for change. Our campaign will highlight the need for better education and call for innovative ways to deal with and process waste products, so they become our Seventh Resource. This will move us a step closer to preserving our primary resources of water, air, coal, oil, natural gas and minerals.

The success of our 2018 Global Recycling Day can be seen in our campaign video, but – in short – well over 10.5 million people across the planet actively participated in the Day.

And the 2019 edition will be even bigger.

Becoming a Friend of the Global Recycling Foundation, for a €10,000 donation, offers you a unique opportunity to align yourself to the recycling industry as well as showcase across the globe your commitment to the well-being of our planet. Benefits include:

  • Your corporate logo, company description and website links on Global Recycling Day website
  • Your corporate logo and website link on dedicate Friend of the Foundation page on the Global Recycling Foundation website
  • Invitation to attend city centre event on Global Recycling Day 2019 (multiple locations)
  • Inclusion in all GRD2019 promotional materials with your corporate logo
  • Inclusion in social media campaigns (nearing 18,000 followers) with five dedicated posts.
  • Dedicated press release announcing your involvement and support for GRD2019
  • Inclusion of your logo in BIR Convention materials.
  • Invitation to guest a blog on the GRD website
  • Inclusion in our post-GRD video.

If you would like to speak to the Foundation about how you can donate or fund a specific initiative, please contact Ranjit Baxi at the following email address: