A message from Ranjit S Baxi, Founder and President of Global Recycling Foundation, on Global Recycling Day 2020  

Today marks the third annual Global Recycling Day, a day that takes place every 18th March to recognise the contribution recycling industry makes to the long term sustainability of our planet.  Even in times as uncertain as the ones we are facing right now, environmental impact and our role in mitigating it, has to be a global priority.   This year the theme of Global Recycling Day has been Recycling Heroes, as we look to champion the difference we each, as individuals in our communities, can make to world around us.

Recycling and the climate emergency are some of the most pressing issues the world has ever faced. It’s rubbish when we don’t recycle – the world must think ‘resource not waste’ and protect the future of our planet. Climate change, is a real and present issue with increasing deforestation, drought, displaced populations and rising sea levels set to impact rural and urban economies.

The contribution that recyclers and the recycling industry makes, which is projected to save over a billion tons of CO2 emissions by 2030, whilst also delivering several of the UN SDGs, needs now to be part of the global climate change movement.  We all need to work together – across the planet in developed and developing regions– to build a cleaner, more sustainable and greener planet if we are to provide for the future of our children.

Although today is a day to focus on recycling, the Global Recycling Foundation wants us to recycle year round, to use and reuse the goods we surround ourselves with every day, and to let the earth preserve as many of her primary resources as we can. Today is a day to make a change, to promise to be as responsible with our resources as we can, and to be inspired by those men and women who are leading the way, and to follow in their footsteps.

Let today be the day you pledge to become one of our Recycling Heroes.